Frequently Asked Questions
Is acupuncture safe?
In the hands of a licensed practitioner acupuncture is a safe, pain-free, effective, treatment for many acute and chronic conditions that has been used for thousands of years, using very thin, single use & sterile needles .
Is acupuncture painful?
No, acupuncture treatments are not painful. Acupuncture is performed with hair-thin needles that do not resemble the pain felt from a hypodermic needle used for injections. Patients often fall asleep and are in deep relaxation on the table.
What should I expect with my first treatment?
During the first treatment the practitioner will take a complete health history and establish a complete evaluation of the condition you are seeking treatment for and ask you questions about lifestyle, not only for the condition you are being treated. The practitioner will feel your pulse, look at your tongue and may palpate specific meridians to look for tender areas.
How should I best prepare for my treatment?
Before the treatment, eat a snack or light meal so you are sustained for the entire treatment. Use the bathroom before treatment. If possible, wear loose clothing to help the practicioner access the treatment areas such as your back, abdomen, arms, and legs.
Can I have acupuncture while pregnant?
​Acupuncture is safe during pregnancy and can help relieve many pregnancy and postpartum conditions. Because there are some acupuncture points that are contraindicated during pregnancy it is important to inform the practitioner if you are pregnant. We highly recommend acupuncture during through your first trimester to help assist embryo development, prevent miscarriage, and address any other symptoms that may arise.